A morning in Shibuya.

Erin's picture
SO I finished my work at about 6 am and headed to work. I was kinda bored and hungry so I thought I would walk around a bit before I went to the office and get some pictures. The Stairway to heaven .... well Ootemachi station at least. Japanese people will sleep anywhere....this isn't the only guy I saw sleeping.... just the most convenient one to snap a shot of. Crows are out and about quite a bit picking at the morning trash. And although I thought that San Andres has been out for quite a while I noticed today that there was quite a bit of advertising for it out now.
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chicken_shit_bastard's picture

Hi Erin! This is Toyota who worked with you at Kichijoji before! Remember me? Well, now I'm a PHP program-writer, but current project will end in this month! So I have to find another project... My wish is to work with foreign engineer (just like you!) and use English in the work. Do you have any good idea? If you know something about IT projects,please contact following address. atchan2007@yahoo.co.jp I enjoyed your blog,too! Have a good weekend.