
Erin's picture
eredicatorx.pngSo ya I am a geek I could have would have should have gone out tonight but I didn't Instead I created Hackergotchi. 1. Take a semi-homo erotic picture of your self, or just one you feel looks evil/cool/dark/or just happy. me 2. Think of a way to enhance that image. I went for a 1/2 terminator look like Arnold. 3. find a image that suites your needs I recommend Google images. 4. Fire up the GIMP. 5. Select the area you want to add to your photo from your Google photo. TERMINATOR 6. paste that into your image. 7. The fun part (cough spit) use the transform perspective and scale tools to get you the right shape and then the airbrush and eraser tools to blend it in. [1] WORKING 8.finally resize the image to 54 X 60 and your all set! eredicatorX! [1] I didn't quite have the right angle so I spent about 30 minutes on step 7. IF I still used photoshop I belive you could cut that time in half.
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