Sunburn and Shimoda.

Erin's picture
beach.jpegLast week there was a 3 day weekend. Satomi Eric and I all went to Shimoda along with Rieka and her boyfriend. It would have not been so bad but the day before we went I got REALLY SUNBURNED. I think it was the worst burn I had in 10 years. The beach was nice as always and the waves were pretty good and Taro had recently given me a board and I wanted to try it out. I got out there no problem but quickly got worked over cause I was dehydrated and exhausted my chest hurt so bad when I laid down on my board. Eric made himself busy with not listening and trying to find crabs. The whole day was pretty good even though I spent most of my time hiding from the sun. At night we went to our hotel which was really nice. I thought it was a little weird that they called us for dinner and we were not able to go down when we wanted but dinner was good and served traditional 17 course Japanese style with dish after dish. I was whipped out after another day in the sun and Eric and I went to bed early after we watched a TV show about dinosaurs. The next day we were summoned to breakfast at 830. Which was of course fish .... I decided (wisely) that I could not take anymore sun and while everyone else hit the beach till noon I would rest in our room. I thought I sucked it up pretty good since now I have 6 or 7 small sores on my chest from my burn. Anyways it turned out to be good weekend in the end.
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