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Daytime Drinking

Day time drinkingDay Time Drinking

I was down in the office at a data center that I work at frequently. There was a bag of cans on the floor getting ready for recycling. I took a closer look and noticed a couple of cans of Coke, and some energy drinks, but then I saw 3 - 4 500ml cans of beer.

Apparently I am not the only one frustrated with our current situation, or maybe some one was just "enjoying there work" a little more then the rest of us.

Either way it was not me!  
Erin's picture

Erics First Soccer Match

Eric had his first soccer match today. It was actually 2 matches each with 15 minute 1/2's.

 I love my son and after replaying the whole match in my mind, I am positive of 2 things;
  1. Eric is my son.
  2. I am my Doug's (my father) son.
At the first game I was doing everything that my Dad had done, and Eric was doing everything I had done as a child.

Eric Soccer 01I played soccer when I was a kid and while I lacked the concentration and discipline to make me a great soccer player, I was not bad. I see in my son the same ability, he is bigger and stronger than the other kids (I was not), and when he puts his mind into the game he does well, but most of the time he is just running around aimlessly chasing the ball. Just like me.

Eric Soccer02When I played soccer as a kid, my dad was always there cheering me on from the sidelines. He was so loud about it that I frequently found it embarrassing. Then when 1/2 time came or the game ended, Dad would come along for a quick pep talk, some advice to try to help me get better. I never listened.

Now Eric is on the field and I did my best to control myself, though it was very hard, as even the Japanese parents were all yelling and screaming too. Just like my Dad I came to Eric and tried to give him some advice and telling him how good of a job he was doing.
Erin's picture

Paradise Tea

Paradise Tea
Paradise Lost

I was in Lawson Station (a convenient store in Japan) and I wanted something besides a Coke. There was Pepsi Next, Coke Zero, Ginger Ale, and a long list of assorted Japanese teas and sports drinks. None of which looked like anything I wanted to drink.

I settled for a Paradise Tropical Tea. It was not so good, a strange soapy before taste, followed by a super strong jasmine taste after that. I hate paying for something and not eating or drinking the whole thing, but it was  tough to swallow.

When I did finally finish the whole bottle I had a mild case of heart burn. This one gets 2 thumbs down.

Erin's picture

Technology and TED

Technology on TED