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Getting there

Tokyo to Tampa
While it was a long trip the whole event went pretty smooth. Eric and I hopped on the bus, that took us straight to Tokyo Narita Airport. The ride was pretty long but Eric was very good. We arrived at the airport and had plenty of time to board our flight. We did the normal deal of going through customs and getting to our flight and were on our way. Thought the flight Eric was good and the continental in flight entertainment system kept him occupied for most of the flight. The food as always was really bad. Eric slept the rest of the flight and only woke for some ice cream. I as always did not sleep at all. When we finally arrived in Houston I was exhausted and Eric was full of ENERGY. The next flight to Tampa reminded me what the difference is between America and Japan. People are friendly plain and simple. Chris the guy who sat next to us on the plane talked to me for a almost 2/3 of the flight. HE had been to Japan to see the last F1 race that was held at Fuji Motor Speedway close to Eric's grandparents house in Japan. We talked about racing, jobs and a few other things. Friendliness it's American.


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