
Erin's picture



I made 500 points on RedditI made 500 points on Reddit from my little 1 and 2 point comments I make. I actually am slightly above that now, but I have been meaning to post it for a while.

In reality I am not that much of a poster or commentator on Reddit, a co-worker of mine has amassed 11,000 plus comment karma points and another 5000 plus in link karma.

I wonder.... 

You can check out Reddit for your self here.

Erin's picture

Do not sign up

Please do not sign up

If you do not want to go, don't sign up, do not take the governments money to get your education, do not stand in line every step of the way, then go shoot your comrades.

Make your stand now, and leave, and do not come back, spare us the loss of our friends.

You chose to bite the hand that feed you, kept you fat and happy so many years. Leave those who wish to honour their commitments to do so.

Erin's picture

Election WTF

Really WTF. I am from New York, I want Obama to win. I know that MY WHOLE state will go Dem, that is why Hillary carpet bagged her ass up there. Even with that can we at least try to cover the election with a little bit of "truthieness". NEW YORK 0% of the precincts reporting. 0% votes counted. But hey what the heck, lets tick this one of for Obama.
Erin's picture

If everyone cared......

If everyone cared.... Why I hate the internet. So last night some where between reading reddit.com and slashdot.com I happened to hop on to youtube.com. I was sifting through the normal FUD when I came upon this. This video of a child who had nothing. I mean literally nothing. She lives in Loas and spent her time begging for money or food, forging for crabs, frogs, and other small insects to eat. Yes eat. Every day this is her life, and when the camera is turned off, she still has to keep going. We all know these things exist and we all know that human suffering is a fact of life. It is just heart breaking to see. I have been working on starting my own company. I want to build a company to help people protect their data and keep there services up and running. But now I know also what I want to do with the money I make. I do not know how or where .... yet, but I do know why. Because there are just too many little kids in pain. E./